Papieska Rada Do Spraw Dialogu Międzyreligijnego
Chrześcijańska refleksja na temat New Age
9.1. Wybrane pozycje książkowe New Age
William Bloom, The New Age. An Anthology of Essential Writings, London (Rider) 1991.
Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Misticism, Berkeley (Shambhala) 1975.
Fritjof Capra, Punkt zwrotny, Warszawa (PIW) 1987.
Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, London (Tara Press) 1979.
Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy. Personal i Social Transformation in Our Time, Los Angeles (Tarcher) 1980.
Chris Griscom, Ecstasy is a New Frequency: Teachings of the Light Institute, New York (Simon & Schuster) 1987.
Thomas Kuhn, Struktura rewolucji naukowych, Warszawa, 1968.
David Spangler, The New Age Vision, Forres (Findhorn Publications) 1980.
David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, San Francisco (Rainbow Bridge) 1976.
David Spangler, Towards a Planetary Vision, Forres (Findhorn Publications) 1977.
David Spangler, The New Age, Issaquah (The Morningtown Press) 1988.
David Spangler, The Rebirth of the Sacred, London (Gateway Books) 1988.
9.2. Opracowania historyczne, opisowe i analityczne
Christoph Bochinger, „New Age” und moderne Religion: Religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchungen, Gütersloh (Kaiser) 1994.
Bernard Franck, Leksykon New Age, Wydawnictwo „M”, Kraków 1997.
Hans Gasper, Joachim Müller i Friederike Valentin, Lexikon der Sekten, Sondergruppen und Weltanschauungen. Fakten, Hintergründe, Klärungen, updated edition, Freiburg-Basel-Vienna (Herder) 2000. Zobacz między innymi artykuły: Chrystusoph Schorsch, Karl R. Essmann i Medard Kehl, New Age i Reinhard Hümmel, Reinkarnation.
Manabu Haga i Robert J. Kisala (eds.), The New Age in Japan, [w:] „Japanese Journal of Religious Studies”, jesień 1995, vol. 22, numery 3 & 4.
Wouter Hanegraaff, New Age Religion and Western Culture. Esoterism in the Mirror of Nature, Leiden-New York-Köln (Brill) 1996. Książka ta zawiera bogatą bibliografię.
Paul Heelas, The New Age Movement. The Celebration of the Self and the Sacralization of Modernity, Oxford (Blackwell) 1996.
Massimo Introvigne, New Age & Next Age, Casale Monferrato (Piemme) 2000.
Michel Lacroix, L’Ideologia della New Age, Milano (Il Saggiatore) 1998.
J. Gordon Melton, New Age Encyclopedia, Detroit (Gale Research Inc) 1990.
Elliot Miller, A Crash Course in the New Age, Eastbourne (Monarch) 1989.
Georges Minois, Histoire de l’athéisme, Paris (Fayard) 1998.
Arild Romarheim, The Aquarian Christ. Jesus Christ as Portrayed by New Religious Movements, Hong Kong (Good Tiding) 1992.
Hans-Jürgen Ruppert, Durchbruch zur Innenwelt. Duchuelle Impulse aus New Age und Esoterik w kritischer Beleuchtung, Stuttgart (Quell Verlag) 1988.
Edwin Schur, The Awareness Trap. Self-Absorption instead of Social Change, New York (McGraw Hill) 1977.
Rodney Stark i William Sims Bainbridge, The Future of Religion. Secularisation, Revival and Cult Formation, Berkeley (University of California Press) 1985.
Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge, The Future of Religion. Secularisation, Revival and Cult Formation, Berkeley (University of California Press) 1985.
Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman (eds.), Beyond the New Age. Exploring Alternative Spirituality, Edinburgh (Edinburgh University Press) 2000.
Charles Taylor, Sources of the Self. The Making of the Modern Identity, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1989.
Charles Taylor, The Ethics of Authenticity, London (Harvard University Press) 1991.
Edênio Valle s.v.d., Psicologia e energias da mente: teorias alternativas, [w:] „A Igreja Católica diante do pluralismo religioso do Brasil (III)”, Estudos da CNBB n. 71, SMo Paulo (paulus) 1994.
World Commission on Culture and Development, Our Creative Diversity. Report of the World Commission on Culture and Development, Paris (UNESCO) 1995.
M. York, The New Age Movement in Great Britain, [w:] „Syzygy. Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture”, 1:2-3 (1992) Stanford CA.
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